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how often should you take a break from builder gel nails

How Often Should You Take a Break from Builder Gel Nails?

Builder gel nails are awesome, they help creates a long-lasting fabulous and now builder gels come in a fantastic range of colours. But, as with any nail beauty product, it is important to take a break from builder gel nails from time to time. In this article, we'll explore how, why and when you can take a break from builder gel nails. We'd also recommend that you talk to a professional nail tech about these kind of questions around anything builder gel related first before making any decisions about builder gel or any nail products. 

Why Should I Take Breaks From Builder Gel Nails?

It's important to take regular breaks from builder gel nails for several reasons. Your nails need a break from the removal process, as even gentle nail polish removers and soaking can dry out your nails over time. Similarly, taking a break allows your natural nails to replenish themselves and build back up their strength after several weeks or months of having builder gel on them.

Signs That It's Time To Take A Break From Builder Gel Nails

There are a few warning signs that it is time to take a break from builder gel nails:
- If your nails feel weak, brittle, and flaky after wearing builder gels for too long; 
- If the skin around your nails looks red and irritated;
- If you start to experience any other signs of irritation, such as itching or burning.

How To Take A Break From Builder Gel Nail Care Correctly

Before taking a break, it is important that you properly prepare your nails for the break period. Start by gently and slowly removing the builder gel from your nails. Use an acetone and a lint-free cloth to avoid unnecessary damage to your nails. After removal, use a nail file to buff away any rough edges or ridges and then apply cuticle oil to nourish your nails. So how long should you leave between applying builder gel again? In our experience a break for a week every eight weeks will be the perfect length of time to let your natural nails breathe. 

During the break period, make sure to keep your nails moisturised and hydrated. Use nourishing lotions and creams with ingredients such as shea butter or vitamin E oil. Keep your nails clean by washing them regularly with warm water and soap. Finally, eat healthy foods that promote nail health such as lean proteins, fruits,  and vegetables. Avoid harsh chemicals, prolonged exposure to water and other activities that can be damaging to your nails.

Returning To Regular Nail Care After A Break From Builder Gel

When you are ready to start wearing builder gel again, make sure that your nails are healthy and strong first. If they feel weak or brittle, wait a few more days before reapplying builder gel. Begin by cleaning and trimming your nails, then apply nourishing cuticle oil to the nail bed. This will help make sure that the builder gel bonds properly with your nails and helps reduce the risk of damage or irritation. Once you have applied the builder gel, use cuticle oil every other day to keep your nails hydrated and healthy.

Some Other Tips For Caring For Your Nails When Using Builder Gel

You can take extra steps to make sure that your nails remain healthy and strong when using builder gels. Try to keep your nails hydrated and clean with nourishing cuticle oils, lotions, and creams. And finally, make sure to eat healthy foods that promote nail health such as lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables.

Builder gel nails are a great way to get long-lasting and beautiful nails. But it is important to take regular breaks from builder gel nails to ensure that your nails stay healthy and strong. Taking a break from builder gel allows your natural nails time to replenish and rebuild their strength. Make sure that you prepare your nails properly before taking a break, keep them clean and hydrated during the break period, and return to regular nail care after the break is over. Finally, follow some extra tips such as avoiding water and harsh chemicals to make sure that your nails remain healthy and strong when you start wearing builder gel again.  With a little care and attention, you can enjoy beautiful builder gel nails while still maintaining the health of your natural nails.